You probably don't need any new "stuff" right now, after the big consumerist explosion that just passed. However, if you still feel the need to do your duty as an American and keep the economy chug-chug-chugging along, here are a few cool things I've found lately:
Starbucks $1 Reusable Cup

Pros: Did I mention, it's really cute? And it's recyclable, so if it gets gross (plastic tumblers always do, after a while) you can put it in your bingee (that's what we called recycling bins in the town I'm from. Does anyone else do that?) Of course, the price is right. Starbucks has been advertising the ten-cent discount you get when you bring in your cup, but that's actually not a new thing.
Cons: It's made in China, so, you know, the labor practices may be a little shrug, I'm not sure. It's plastic. And some people don't like Starbucks at all, since they're a corporate giant. I'm a Washingtonian, though, so I support the pumping of money into my home state. At one point, a close friend was teaching at the private school where the founder of Starbucks sent his kids, so I always just assumed my money went straight into her salary.

One of the girls at work didn't know that I was a greenie blogger when she revealed that her brother is one of the folks behind Nourish Organic Food For Healthy Skin. Without her knowledge, I scampered out to buy some of the lotion - I figured that if it was gross, she never needed to know I'd tried it.
O! me of little faith. I just love Nourish's body lotion. I keep the almond vanilla on my nightstand to smooth my winter hands -- yes, we even get those in Houston. Nourish products are certified USDA Organic, cruelty-free and vegan. Basically, a tiny bunny frolics in the forest whenever you use their products.
I've also tried the body wash, and I loved the fresh fig scent that I tried - but because Nourish products are basically food, and I'm allergic to sunflower seeds, I discovered that I can't use the body wash. (No, I didn't eat it). But if you're NOT allergic to sunflower seeds, then it's awesome. I can't wait to try the rest of their products, which are available at fun places like Ulta and Whole Foods. And come on, don't you want lotion that you could actually eat?
A Priceless Wedding, by Sara Cotner
NO - this is not my way of admitting some crazy, spur-of-the-moment engagement to a crusty ol' sea captain I met down by the docks. I just wanted to share with you that my bloggie friend Sara, of Feeding the Soil, wrote a book! And a real company published it.
Sara's book is about planning a wedding that is meaningful to you and your partner, rather than meaningful to the world of bridal dress designers, your future-mother-in-law, the county clerk, or your cousin Hepzibah. It's also about planning a wedding that is sustainable and affordable. The book is full of fun ideas, personal stories, and checklists you might actually use. I think that it would be helpful in planning any kind of large event in which you don't want to break the bank, or your sanity.
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