
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fox TV - Green It, Mean It ... hmm

I have to say, the Fox family of companies is a two-faced organization. On the one hand FoxNews is constantly bombarding us with hate-filled diatribes concealed as "news." On the other Fox and FX have some of the most unique, edgy programming out there.

Currently, Fox is running an Earth Month promotion called Green It, Mean It (Apparently Rupert Murdoch is a green guy. Weird, eh?) The network is, of course, running PSAs featuring actors from their programs giving green-living tips. The tips are actually pretty good - definitely light green-friendly, easy things you can do to make a difference. The celebrities, however, don't seem very invested in playing the parts of do-gooders.

More unique than a bunch of PSAs, however, is the fact that Fox is also including green-related plotlines in some of their top shows. And these definitely are not "very special" episodes where all the characters learn a lesson. Instead, environmentalism shows up in some funny and surprising ways. For instance, on House, the patient-of-the-week was an environmental activist who spouted green facts, but also was difficult to get along with and intransigent in his positions. On Bones, a body was found crushed in a bale of recycled cardboard. As I'm not a fan of preaching, I've been enjoying the winks to the greening of American culture. (Click
here to watch the episode of Bones, but be warned: it is a pretty gross episode on a show that's known for its gory dead bodies).

If you want to check out more green tips from Fox, click here. My favorite tip - don't pre-heat your oven for more than 10 minutes to save energy (both from the stove itself, and because your a/c may just kick in if your oven is radiating heat). I'd never thought about that before, but it'll go on my list of light green strategies.

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