
Sunday, April 19, 2009

DIY Sunday - Quilted Postcard

This craft comes courtesy of my friend Liz, who is proof that anyone can DIY. Liz and I have been friends for many years, despite the fact that we have little in common besides a no-nonsense worldview, a passionate belief in education, a love of pop culture, and a penchant for inappropriate men. So, actually, that's quite a lot in common. But Liz is the sporty type, while I'm the crafty, sports-are-evil type.

Nevertheless, Liz has been committed to becoming a crafter, and her concerted effort has resulted in her carving out a crafty niche in our group of friends. In particular, she's turned her many T-shirts (fun run, camp, marathon, high school, etc) into quilts and other mementos. Recently, I was psyched to find a quilted postcard in my mailbox.

I'm going to re-create the instructions from my conversations with Liz about how the postcard was made, but adding your own inspiration will no doubt result in something better than I can describe.
Materials needed:
  • Felt for background
  • Fabric scraps (re-using old clothes for crafting, the way Liz does, is an environmentally-friendly way to get materials)
  • Needle and thread
  • Cardstock
  • Fusible backing (this is iron-on sticky stuff that you get at the fabric store)
  • Other decorations as you desire; but careful, they may add to the postage
  • A postcard for a template (or guesstimate)

Step 1: Decide what kind of design you want. Simple geometric shapes will be best. If you want, draw them out on paper.

Step 2: Using the postcard as a template, cut the felt and the cardstock to postcard size.

Step 3: Cut your fabric scraps to create your design. Liz made a flower. You could make whatever you want. Skull and crossbones, anyone?

Step 4: Using your needle and thread, baste (that means, make quick stithches) your fabric pieces to the felt to create your design. Awesome!

Step 5: Write your message and the mailing address on the cardstock, just like you would on a postcard.

Step 6: Follow the directions on the fusible backing to stick the cardstock with the message onto the felt. Don't catch the cardstock on fire. Wait until everything is cooled off.

Step 7: Super! Go to the post office and weigh the postcard to see how much postage you need. Pay the smiling customer service rep, and mail the thing.

Wily doesn't realize it's a federal offense to read other people's mail!

1 comment:

Darci said...

I love today's post! I laughed so hard at the first paragraph, I made Andy come in and read it too!