
Monday, June 17, 2013

Haters Gonna Hate, But Gwyneth Doesn't Care

I know.

I know.

You don't like Gwyneth. You hate Gwyneth.

Lots of people can't stand her. Apparently, it's such a common thing that Buzzfeed recently had a feature of "22 Pictures that may just cause you to like Gwyneth Paltrow again."

If you're one of those people, I think you should change your mind. At least, change your mind about her cooking.

I recently picked up her cookbook It's All Good, and I have to say, it's quickly becoming my favorite kitchen companion.

The theme of the cookbook is simple cooking that is good for you - hence the title. The story behind it is that Gwyneth felt really gross and thought she was going to die one day, but it turned out she was having a migraine and a panic attack. So a doctor basically told her to cut everything fun out of her diet - including deep water fish. Never heard that one before; I guess it has something to do with mercury. Then she found out her family is basically sensitive to gluten and cow's milk and angels and kittens and rainbows (hmm... maybe that is why people don't like her).

All of the recipes in this cookbook are labeled according to the kind of diet you might be on - elimination, vegan, protein-packed, etc. This sounds like it might be a huge bummer, but it totally isn't. So far, everything I've cooked has been full of flavor, filling, and pretty to look at. 

I especially like this book because it is perfect for someone like me, who doesn't eat mammals. There are only a couple of meat recipes; the non-veg recipes are mostly chicken and fish. I've made Gwyneth's Spanish-style barbecue chicken, the roast chicken, and Tandoori turkey kebabs. Every one was delicious.

I will say that most of the cooking times haven't been accurate for me, but I think it's mostly my stove.  Nevertheless, I'd make sure you're using a meat thermometer if you're cooking any of the chicken dishes.

And I'll admit it, I kind of like the pictures of Gwyneth lounging around her farm. I'm pretty sure her life is just like mine... right?

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