
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Shampoo Fail

One reason I think that people haven't fully adopted green products is that they've had bad experiences. Greener products usually cost a little more, and then if they don't work the way we expect products to work, people sometimes decide it's the fault of all "green" products.

That's why I like Burt's Bees. No, they aren't the greenEST, but they work, and they are cost effective. They are great starter products for folks who want to green their beauty routines.

That's why I was excited to see that Burt's Bees was launching a new line of products called gud. They have no parabens, pthalates, or petrochemicals, and are not tested on animals.


So I bought the "Orange Petalooza" Nourishing Shampoo. It smelled awesome -- like an Orange Julius. And it had a very pleasing neon orange appearance.

A few days later I noticed that when I tried to do no-heat headband curls, the next morning my hair looked stringy and unwashed. But it had been less than 24 hours since I washed it! I put up my hair and moved on.

I began to notice, however, that stringy hair was becoming a pattern. My new shampoo, like a lot of greener shampoos I've tried, left my very fine hair feeling waxy and weighed down.

So I'm back to my old stand-by, Burt's Bees Very Volumizing Pomegranate Soy Shampoo, with a weekly hit of Neutrogena Clarifying Shampoo every Saturday.

It hasn't failed me yet.

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