In my old garage apartment, I made the most of my teeny-tiny red-painted kitchen. I had a small square of counter space, and during big cooking projects, bowls and dishes of the components would be scattered all over the living room.
The kitchen at the farm is much more convenient for someone who does a lot of cooking - which I do.

For the first time in my life, I have a gas stove! It took some getting used to; I admit I burned a few things in the beginning. Now, I love it.
There's plenty of space for me to store all of my utensils. The lazy susan holds the spices that I use most often: cumin, cayenne pepper, turmeric, coriander... I make a lot of Mexican and Indian food.
All of those canisters hold dried beans, lentils, and grains. Of course, buying these items in bulk and cooking them yourself is much more economical and eco-friendly than buying canned or boxed versions, so I try to keep staples like black beans, pintos, lentils, and bulgur on hand at all times.

When I first moved in, I was not a fan of the buttery yellow walls in the kitchen. I wanted to paint them right away. After painting the office, however, I was done with painting for awhile. The color has grown on me over time. I especially like it with brightly-colored blues and pops of pink and orange.

The kitchen wall wall is a great space for vintagey prints and colorful artwork that doesn't fit with the science and exploration theme in the office and living room. I got this vintage sign at an Antique Mall.
There's also an outlet in the wall at just the right height to put the ironing board - I keep it set up in the kitchen when people aren't coming over. I iron almost every day, which lots of people find weird. My mama taught me well!.

You can just see through the window here into the mud room. Probably one of my favorite rooms in the house! I love having a washer and dryer that I'm not sharing with any other tenants. However, it has created some bad habits. I'm not going to lie; there have been a few weeks when I got my clothes out of the dryer every day!

The kitchen window looks out on the garage, garden, and back yard. It's so peaceful to look out in the mornings and see the doves and jays in bushes. Wily likes climbing up on the counters and looking out at the wildlife.
I keep stones and antique bottles on the window ledge.
Right now, none of the windows in the house have window treatments, except for some cheap shades in the main part of the house. Next project will be some cafe curtains for the kitchen. I'm thinking blue and white stripes - what do you think?
The appliances in the kitchen are black - it's a little weird with the soft yellow. However, I'm just happy to have a dishwasher and a newish refrigerator.
I keep all of my cookbooks here, along with the microwave. Buying cookbooks is a guilty pleasure of mine. I do actually use them.
So that's the Farmhouse kitchen. It's definitely one of the cheeriest, most-used rooms in the house.
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