So, in January, I made a New Year's resolution that I would start using beauty products that are healthier for me and the environment. As each product ran out, I vowed I would replace it with one that scored a hazard rating 5 or lower (out of 10) on the Skin Deep Cosmetics Safety Database. (Except for hair color. I'm not crazy. You shouldn't try to color your hair with anything less than industrial-grade chemicals).
How's that resolution going? you might ask. Catfish, you haven't written about it for quite awhile.
That's because I've settled into a routine with most of my beauty products. I've been using Burt's Bees shampoo and conditioner, and as far as I can tell my mineral foundation is fine (Skin Deep doesn't list the exact color I use, but most of the others in the line are a 3 ... except for one worrisome 7). I use Ivory soap on my face at night, and a Burt's Bees scrub in the morning.
I've given up hairspray with very little difference in my hair style.
But this past week, a tragedy occurred. I ran out of lipstick.
Now, a girl's lipstick is a very personal item. Vividly, I remember standing around while my mom tried sample lipsticks on her hand. I was taught that one doesn't leave the house without lipstick, even if everything else is a mess. I've simplified by relying on a single lipstick -- L'Oreal Colour Riche in the "colour" Milla's Plum. I originally chose it because it is named after the model and butt-kicking Resident Evil babe Milla Jovovich, who I've liked ever since she graced the pages of Sassy magazine.

Sassy Magazine. Best friend of every girl who grew up in the grunge era. RIP, Sassy.
Knowing I would have to buy a new lipstick, I turned with trepidation to Skin Deep. What I feared did occur -- Milla's Plum was a 7.
I began searching for lipsticks with hazard ratings of 5 or lower, and found, to my happy surprise, that many common brands rated between a 3 or 5. Armed with a list, I headed off to Target -- I wanted something that I could find in any drug store in America, rather than a specialty brand that might not be available in a lipstick emergency.
I ended up settling on Revlon ColorStay Liquid Lipstick, in another plum color. It's a bit different than I'm used to -- as the name implies, it's a liquid that you smear on like lip gloss. It has a rather sticky consistency, but doesn't taste or smell weird (some of the more natural brands have menthol which makes your lips tingle and tastes minty). While the color isn't as deeply plummy as Milla's Plum, it has a nice pinky glow. All in all, not bad.

Muah! Thanks, Revlon! They are also known as one of the first major cosmetics companies to swear off animal testing.
And there's still a tiny bit of Milla's Plum left for special occasions.
Ah, Sassy.....
Thanks for the tips, Cat! I use Burt's stuff as well, but I am also addicted to Dr Hauschka products. Do you use them too? They're sooo yummy...but v pricey! Eeeep! I have to pace myself buying/using them. xo
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