(Feel free to picture me with pompoms right now)
So I put a big splash of vinegar in a bowl (to measure -put in enough to make the sound "glug, glug.") Then I fill the bowl with water and put the fruits and veggies in for a couple of minutes. Then, I pour the veggies into a collander and rinse with cold water. Before storing them, allow them to dry completely.
Here are a few questions I've received about this process:
Q: Don't your fruits and vegetables taste like vinegar?
A: No.
Q: Please elaborate.
A: As long as you rinse them in water first, they taste fine.
Q: Do you do this just before you eat them?
A: You can. But if you are trying to eat fewer processed foods, sometimes it's easier if you wash all of your produce when you get them from the grocery store. I try to do that, except when I am being really lazy.
Q: Should I wash things with a peel, like avocados?
A: Yes! Cutting into such veggies can cause cross-contamination, as your knife slices through the peel and then into the part you eat.
Q: How did you learn all of this amazing stuff?
A: I am a genius. Also, my friend Kelly is a domestic goddess teaches me the ways of the truly tidy.
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