Notice, I chose the purple phone, and as soon as I got it, I added a butterfly background. Yes. I'm 12.

So, I really like Sidekicks, and I really like T-mobile. But now I like them even more, because they have a cell phone recycling program.
I did a bit of research, and it turns out that most cell manufacturers and carriers have recycling plans, in part due to the EPA's Plug In to eCycling program, which promotes the recycling of electronics. Now, you might wonder if recycling a cell phone really makes a difference -- they're so tiny compared to, say, a computer monitor or a Ford F150. Does a cell phone in a landfill really take up that much room?
I'm glad you asked. Think about how many times you've upgraded - 2? 3? 5? What did you do with your used phones? Now think about everyone else in America and how many phones they've been through. Only 10 % of cells are recycled. That's some landfill.
In addition, cell phones are made with precious metals, copper, and plastics. When these materials are recycled, it reduces the effects of mining and manufacture, and saves energy. Also, phones in good working order are often donated to help those who need them, particularly soldiers overseas. So, it's pretty much happiness all around if you recycle your phone.
Partners in the EPA's project include: AT&T, Best Buy, LG Electronics, Motorola, Nokia, Office Depot,Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Sprint, Staples, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless (info courtesy of the EPA).
Like I said, however, I really like T-mobile. If you log onto their website, several banners urge you to take part in greening your account, by moving to paperless billing and email notifications (I checked out the other major carriers - they did not advertise their environmental messages, although Verizon did have a tiny recycling sign next to their paperless billing button).
Digression: And yes, I realize that most companies who have to bill their customers want you to switch to paperless billing not only for the environment, but also because it saves them money on postage and printing and envelopes with plastic windows. So what if their motives aren't pure? I love it when market forces and environmental forces meet and make a baby that won't be accepted by either family. Paperless billing, you are the bastard child of commerce and tree huggers, and we light greenies adopt you as our own.
In addition, T-mobile didn't just tell me I could recycle. They provided me the means to do so:

My new phone came with this envelope to send in my phone. Yaay! I love it when it's easy to be green. Kermit would have loved to live in the green era!
Another green use for cellphones (if they're still working) is to donate them to battered women's shelters. Some of them will activate the phones for the women they support. It's worth checking out!
This is very interesting and useful. You should write more, keep up the good work.
phonerecycle How to recycle mobile phones
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